Thanks to the April the movement of other players of the free world is made less difficult.

pictures of Florence DevouardTestimony for the Special Jury Award of the Lutèce d'Or 2008 (24/09

The involvement of April in the promotion and defense of free software is further proof and its nomination as "Special Jury Award of the Lutèce d'Or" is a great recognition of the work accomplished during the last ten years. Beyond the purely technical aspects - I'd rather say software - the April has the courage and the energy to get involved at the ethical, philosophical, economic and political fronts thereby promoting the development of an information society based on cooperation and sharing. Thanks to the April, with its irreplaceable observation work and its actions, the movement

— Florence Devouard
, Board Member of Wikimedia France. Former President of Wikimedia Foundation.

We've found precious allies, both in their expertise and through their involvement

pictures of Frederique Pfrunder

We became acquainted with April when preparing the "iPod law" (DADVSI). We have then found precious allies, both in their expertise and through their involvement in defense of citizens digital rights. This objective alliance continues today, in our common struggle for a greater freedom of choice related to the software equipment of consumers.

— Frédérique Pfrunder_,
project executive at CLCV.

April helped raise elected representatives' awareness regarding the political stakes of computer freedom

Logo de Villes Internet

April has been promoting Free Software in France for over 10 years with steadfastness, renewing its sensitization initiatives! With, elected representatives applied for the 2007 Villes Internet Free label, thus demonstrating their interest in such software. Free Software is less and less seen as a gratis tool. April helped raise elected representatives' awareness regarding the political stakes of computer freedom.

Europe's potential for Free Software is unique

Photo de Marielle de Sarnez

Public authorities' interest in Free Software is essential. This is an issue of competitiveness for the EU in the information technologies sector, as well as the condition of our technological independence. Free Software is a vehicle for innovation in a promising economy; it is also the essence of an open, abundant information society.

— Marielle de Sarnez_

, member of the ALDE group in the European Parliament, leader of the MoDem list in Paris region (France) for the 2009 European election and Free Software Pact signatory.

I was eager to become an active member of April and take part in its action

photo d'Eric Melki

I was eager to become an active member of April and take part in its action next to the public institutions and private stakeholders, already subject to the ever present lobying of software editors and PC makers.

— Eric MELKI
, CEO Infoclip

All of April's actions are aimed towards actively promoting and defending Free solutions

Patrick Bloche's photo Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

All of April's actions are aimed towards actively promoting and defending Free solutions. During the debates on the DADVSI bill, on software patents or on so many other topics, April has helped to inform, to raise public awareness and to convince that beyond purely technical questions, Free Software encompasses economic, social and cultural stakes, choices and major directions that we need to define all together. Its professionalism and its expertise have become most valuable assets and have made it both the inevitable player and the privileged interlocutor it is today.

— Patrick Bloche_
, one of Paris' representatives at the National Assembly (Socialist Party) (october 2006).

Associations such as April are more than ever necessary

Martine Billard's photo Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

2006 has seen the voting of the "iPod law" on copyright in the information society (DADVSI), after several anti-democratic assaults from the government onto the Parliament. This law leaves only crumbs for culture and organizes repression against Internet users and Free Software users. It blows to smithereens the idea of interoperability and open formats, and hands the new vectors of culture and knowledge to multinational computing and audiovisual corporations.

— Martine Billard_
, one of Paris' representative at the National Assembly (Les Verts Green political party) (september 2006).

April is always present when it comes to defending Free Software users and developers

Francois Bayrou's photo Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

During the parliamentary debates on software patents and the DADVSI bill, I have defended Free Software and I shall continue doing so. It is a very important issue, whether seen from an industrial, a national or a societal point of view. Free Software is an open, innovative and cooperative way of developing. It is an essential key towards independence and towards industrial and political balance for humankind.

— François Bayrou_,
member of the National Assembly, president of the centrist Modem party (october 2006).

April is the main instigator of the kickoff and promotion of Free Software in France

Richard M. Stallman's photo Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

April is the main instigator of the kick-off and promotion of Free Software in France. By putting forward the ethical and political questions regarding Free Software, April helps to increase the public's awareness that computing freedom is a societal issue. The association plays also an important role when it comes to acting as a watchdog to defend the computer users' fundamental rights.

— Richard M. Stallman
, president of the Free Software Foundation (september 2006).

The transversal vision and the thorough work provided by the April are vital

Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

In an area in which technical, economic and societal innovation rule and require constant adaptation from us, the transversal vision and the thorough work provided by April are vital for the political, economic and social players who wish to understand the revolution caused by the digitalization of the world. April's strength also stands in its professional interaction with those facing it: its activist orientations are presented as such and rely on verifiable facts, which is unfortunately not the case for all players in this sector.

— Christian Daviot_

, director of the Prometheus corporate foundation (september 2006).

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