I was often given to meet April on the steep roads leading to software freedom

Jean-Pierre Laisné's photo

During the last decade, I was often given to meet April on the steep roads leading to software freedom. Browsing through parallel channels, our efforts have enabled the emergence of new collaborative models and have demonstrated its effectiveness. Today we all work, OW2 as April, to strengthen sustainably ecosystems that are based on unconstrained sharing of software, which are critical artifacts for the Information Society. And I am sure that in the future we will continue together to ensure that these new paths laid out by the pioneers remain large open.

— Jean-Pierre Laisné,
Chairman of the OW2 Consortium and Bull's "Open Source Strategy".

The implication for over a decade of April in the promotion and defense of Free Software make it a mature player

Gerald Sédrati-Dinet's photo

The implication for over a decade of April in the promotion and defense of Free Software, on ethical, philosophical, political and economic grounds, make it a mature player. As such, April better understands the intrinsic nature of software, its implications for the building of an "information society" and the dangers to the free development of the latter.

— Gérald Sédrati-Dinet_,
volunteer advisor on the issue of software patents.

April intervenes in many areas of society, especially education

Jean-Pierre Archambault's photo

There is no need to present April: that's the privilege of those who are well-known and recognized. Regarding Free Software, April has started so many initiatives over the last 12 years that we can't count them: from the battle against software patents to the Free-related economic models, as well as the GPL and its involvement in numerous Free-related events. The activity of the association is going crescendo, and therefore, as an organization, April is gaining momentum. April intervenes in many areas of society, especially education.

— Jean-Pierre Archambault
, Paris' CNDP-CRDP, coordinator of SCEREN's skills center on Free Software.

The daily struggle of April is vital for Free Software

Patrice Bertrand's photo

Free software is a thriving intellectual heritage, which humanity has a real need for, and thanks to April's action it is particularly strong in France; businesses that are part of the Free Software market should never forget that this heritage is threatened and the daily struggle of April is vital for Free Software.

— Patrice Bertrand
, CEO of Smile .

April plays a fundamental role in promoting Free-related topics amongst industrialists and the general public

Francois Mazon's photo

As a European service company, Steria has always been willing to fully engage as an actor of the Free Software community. In addition to our references, our partnerships reflect this commitment. It is this same desire that led us to join April as early as 2006, because it plays in our view a fundamental role in promoting Free-related topics amongst industrialists and the general public.

— François Mazon,

It is essential to support April's actions for a fairer ecosystem

Mathieu Pasquini's photo

InLibroVeritas is a book publisher founded in 2005 with an editorial guideline of publishing in physical or digital format only works under Free/Open licenses. The work done by April is therefore essential for the sustainability of InLibroVeritas when facing the dangers of DRM or laws such as DADVSI. Running thanks to Free Software and having borrowed from it its legal approach, its philosophy and its economics, it is essential for InLibroVeritas to support April's actions for a fairer and forward-looking ecosystem.

— Mathieu Pasquini
, Founder & Manager, InLibroVeritas (2008)

April is now recognized for its work in the Free-related world

Ollivier Robert's photo

April is now recognized for its work in the Free-related world and more widely for its effectiveness in key areas for citizens such as software patents and the evolution of public policy. April has been deserving such an award for some time, so bravo. The many volunteers and members of the association should take this award as an encouragement to continue this excellent work!

— Ollivier Robert. Computer scientist
, working within the Free community for over 15 years through various projects such as FreeBSD and Ruby, and before that Perl, SSH, PGP and Mutt.

April is an amazing combination, bringing together the most varied members of Free Software

Nicolas Barcet's photo

April is an amazing combination, bringing together the most varied members of Free Software and thus faces a multiplicity of perspectives. The strengths of April are certainly to know how to synthesize these views always in an appropriate way and to successfully push forward often complex topics, which we hold dear, using its positioning and the recognition it has with the government, administrative services and various political parties.

— Nicolas Barcet
, Manager of the Server activity at Canonical.

April has now reached maturity and is now an indispensable interlocutor of the software world

Mohamed Zergaoui's photo

I am very pleased that April be awarded today because it is fully justified. It perfectly reflects the commitment and voluntarism that its members have demonstrated at events whose impact is unknown to most of us. I had the opportunity to see the commitment of April during the debate on OOXML, especially through their action to alert politicians regarding the potential consequences of changing the users' ability to choose. This is a recurring problem, fervently and regularly defended by April.

— Mohamed ZERGAOUI_
, CEO of Innovimax.

April plays an essential role in the development of Free Software in France

Yoann Babel's photo

April plays an essential role in the development of Free Software in France, and thus indirectly to the economic future of our country. Thanks to the passion of its members, this organization has become indispensable representative for officials. The rapid increase in April's memberships will strengthen the voice of economic players as well as of individuals, in a country where the Free Software adoption rate of 24% places us at the top of the charts.

— Yoann Babel - responsible of the "Open Source team" at IDEIA
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