April intervenes in many areas of society, especially education

There is no need to present April: that's the privilege of those who are well-known and recognized. Regarding Free Software, April has started so many initiatives over the last 12 years that we can't count them: from the battle against software patents to the Free-related economic models, as well as the GPL and its involvement in numerous Free-related events. The activity of the association is going crescendo, and therefore, as an organization, April is gaining momentum. April intervenes in many areas of society, especially education. Many times I've had the opportunity to notice its interest and the quality of its commitment on educational issues, be it regarding software and Free resources or computing courses at school. I could mention its questioning of all candidates of the 2007 French presidential election, its work on the E-educ e-learning mission, on digital solidarity, on digital work environments... and more generally its cooperation with the players of Free education.